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Last night I was at a beautiful island resort on the ocean. There were three-storey condos on rolling hills with narrow twisty walled roads and lush vegetation.

I was looking out my condo window to the patio, and I saw a former co-worker of mine. I hadn’t seen Elaine in years, so it was great to see her now standing outside my door. I have no idea why she was there, but I was very happy to see her, so I opened the patio door and greeted her. We talked about old times and caught up on each others lives.

We then decided to take a drive around the resort in Elaine’s crappy old Nissan Sentra. We drove around the twisty roads, catching up on life and talking about old times and old friends.

We crested a rise in the road, and as we came over the top, to our surprise the road was – GONE !  We were free-falling off the edge a cliff plunging toward the rocky ocean.

Somehow, we were out of the car, falling, falling, holding hands.  I assured Elaine that we will be fine, and all we have to do is dive into the ocean and we will surface in just a few seconds.

We both plunged to our deaths.

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